Start investing with Balmest
We believe in real estate investing as a means to gradually, safely and predictably achieve wealth. Our mission is to make real estate investment...
We redefine real estate businesses
providing more value to our community.
We create niche real estate developments, designed from scratch and empathizing with future users so that they have the best experience when living and working in the properties we build.
We use design thinking methodology so that you have the best user experience and as an investor the highest return on investment with properties that are easier to market.
We incorporate the latest technologies so that you can invest in future projects and not in the past.
We solve everything so that you can diversify by investing in consolidated and stable markets with legal certainty.
With a team of realtors and contractors in the United States, we look for the best opportunities, we buy homes to renovate and then rent or sell them obtaining secure returns for our investors, always backed in real estate.
We help you invest in entire properties in Spain so that you obtain a secure income in €.
Do you want to build a house in Mendoza to rent or sell it later? If you already have a lot or need us to help you get one, we are here!
We build, manage and provide everything you need so that you can dedicate yourself to what really matters: your family, friends, work and free time.
Con equipo de arquitectos, ingenieros, constructores, decoradores y paisajistas desarrollamos integralmente el proyecto inmobiliario desde cero hasta el servicio post construcción.
We manage the temporary rental process of your properties through platforms such as Airbnb, booking, and p2p (peer to peer / between peers).
The owner receives the rents obtained throughout the month without worrying about tedious procedures.
We increase the chances of renting and profitability reducing the vacancy periods of the property.
We believe in real estate investing as a means to gradually, safely and predictably achieve wealth. Our mission is to make real estate investment...
It is one of the safest, most profitable and predictable forms of investment. It has existed throughout our history and maintains the same..
Comienza a surgir una evolución y una adaptación de las tecnologías aplicada a la gestión y digitalización de los consorcios y de los administradores, de
Yes. You can do it in a personal capacity or on behalf of a company. For logistical, tax and succession reasons, it is advisable to purchase a property in the name of a company incorporated and located in the United States.
It depends on the type of company adopted and the movement it has. In general, for this type of operation, the Limited Liability Company (LLC) or “Limited Liability Company” is chosen. The annual maintenance cost can range from USD 1,000 to 1,450. This cost includes the renewal of the company and presentation of the annual balance sheet.
Si. Trabajamos con profesionales (Contadores y abogados) radicados en Estados Unidos especializados en asesorar operaciones de inversión en Real Estate. El costo de formación de una sociedad puede variar según la estructura jurídica elegida.
Resolvemos todo lo relativo a la administración, cobro de alquileres, reparaciones, presupuestos, etc. para que realmente sea una renta pasiva lo que tengas y no debas preocuparte por nada.
You can sell the property at any time. We take care of preparing the documentation, publishing it and carrying out the sale through a Realtor (agent) registered in the United States. It is advisable to keep the property for a period such that it allows to obtain monthly rents and sell when the value of the property increases in value.
Yeah. For the proceeds of rentals, income tax must be paid at the head of the company. They are usually low and are settled annually. The rates vary according to the scales and deductions. The accounting studio with which we work or the one you choose, will settle the taxes that the company must pay. A meeting will be arranged with the professionals in case of any doubt.
They are charged monthly to the Company's bank account after deducting monthly expenses. You can also manage transfers and collect them in cash in your country of origin on a monthly, semi-annual or annual basis.